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Currency Exchange Rates

These rates below are the daily exchange rates for 13-Sep-24

Country Currency name Currency code Units Buying rate banknotes Buying rate Selling rate
Aruba Florin Banknotes AWG 100 98 101.20
Check/Transfer AWG 100 100 101
Canada Dollar CAD 1 1.29 1.31 1.34
England Pound GBP 1 2.26 2.32 2.40
Europe EURO EUR 100 195.70 197.48 201.46
Japan Yen JPY 10000 125.90 126.76 128.84
Switzerland Franc CHF 100 210.18 210.90 213.82
USA Dollar USD 1 1.77 1.78 1.82

All rates for amounts up to Naf.25000.-- per item
For further information regarding rates please contact your branch or our Treasury Department.

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