Personal banking current account

Retail Lending Services Fees

As a special reminder

Please note that many of our Bank transactions are offered free of charge or at a lower fee via our CMB Online Banking and CMB Mobile Banking Services, and Bankomatiko (ATM’s).

For further questions and inquiries, please chat with us through our eAmigo Online Assistance by clicking the chat balloon at the bottom.

You may also contact us at +297 522-3000 or mail us at:

Retail Lending Services

Consumer Loans

Car Loans Handling/Stamp fee

AFL 15.00 per month

Personal Loans Handling/Stamp fee

Max AFL 725.00

Risk insurance

PL Max AFL 900.00 CL Max AFL 600.00

Change of Collateral (PL/CL)

AFL 25.00

Change of Insurance Coverage/Release (PL/CL)

AFL 25.00

Early total repayment written notice < 6 months. Applicable only to product types 168 171, 368, 370.

Equal to 3 months of interest, minimum AFL 500.00

Early total repayment written notice > 6 months Applicable only to product types 168 171, 368, 370.

AFL 500.00


Closing fee

1.5% of the mortgage amount

Mortgage deed change (request by Customer)

AFL 150.00

Cash withdrawal Life Insurance Policies

AFL 50.00

Amortization fee (bulk payment)

AFL 250.00

One-Time Request Non-Life Insurance company

Equal to 1% of mortgage amount, minimum AFL 1,500.-

Fondo National di Garantia

+/- 2.5% of the mortgage amount


Reference/Confirmation letter

AFL 100.00

Auction Guarantee Letter

AFL 300.00 (will be deducted of the closing fee, if mortgage

Late payment fee mortgage & consumer loans

Minimum AFL 100.00 (mortgage) and AFL 25.00 (CL and PL) or 7.5% of outstanding balance

Administration fee for mortgage interest reduction requests

AFL 250.00

Services charges mortgage & consumer loans*

AFL 35.00

Copy charge

AFL 3.00 (per sheet)

Interest letter

AFL 25.00

Grace Period request (Max. 6 months)

AFL 100.00 (per month)

One-Time Penalty

(if project has not been completed within 10 months)

Equal to 1% of mortgage amount, minimum AFL 1,500.00

Late Penalty Fee (monthly), until

Project is completed

AFL 500.00

Early repayment penalty if no written notice received

Equal to 90 days interest

PL=Personal Loan

CL=Consumer Loan / *Withdrawal insurance savings, letters/declarations, pay off balances

*No code found.
Balance in NAƒ
Expiration date
The above balance is as of: N/a